Taur Brazen – Page 68 – 95% done
Gotta move on! JARRING transition between Page 67 and this page, because Andy, that’s our girl! We’re here. Our main character/ 1 of 4 main characters. Made it to a protagonist, 68 pages in. Welcome to this story!
Gotta move on! JARRING transition between Page 67 and this page, because Andy, that’s our girl! We’re here. Our main character/ 1 of 4 main characters. Made it to a protagonist, 68 pages in. Welcome to this story!
“Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Knackers?” Is what Facade would say, but they can’t “really” talk. Helmet too heavy. Fox titan may be long gone at this point… but they’re not.
I love incorporating themes and future characters into the background. The hyena and bison at the top right are in “Knacker’s Yard” (the prequel to “Taur Brazen” and the story I’ll focus on after). The bison HATES the hyena. Those[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Making progress. Had to switch to GIMP again for “coloring in the lines”. I stand by GIMP’s selection tool. It’s much more controllable than Photoshop’s -at least, I haven’t found a way to make Photoshop’s tool as easy as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
An 85/100 finish is a success in my book at this point for me. Facade and the Titan.
When you obsess over detail and the pages get delayed, but here it is! Page 62. Never 100%, but gotta get this story MOVIN’.
Still half an hour-in’ it daily and then some. May not be finished by my standards, but we progressin’. Also, I settled on a Baldanders back. I might add detail when you see them closer up in later pages.
EDIT – Page looks BETTER. Not perfect. But better. It doesn’t seem terribly finished, but I’m proud. I drew for at least half an hour a night, every night, sometimes 45 minutes to an hour or two. I will continue[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…